Monday, June 30, 2008

Well... heart broken... I have just had my heart torn, stabbed, set fire too, drowned, and any other form of torture. Because what i am going through is touchier, so to express my pain I wrote a poem, well sorta a poem... it's almost like just thoughts written down. It's the only way I can move on.

Sitting here in the dark wondering why you became fake. Wondering what happened to everything we had. Did you really love me, because now it feels like you don't. You were my everything, my only, my support beam. Now in a flash you take it all away. All because of something so stupid. Maybe before you start to point the finger, you look in the mirror your self. Stop judging me, stop making pointing out my flaws, stop making it seem like your the better person. Find some one else. Because now I'm nothing. Just like a piece of broken glass. But like the broken piece of glass I can find sunlight. I can find a new way. I can move on... and I will.

**Miss. Maddie**

Saturday, June 28, 2008

OK so today I got the pleasure to see WALL-E!! Lol I'm sucker for those cute little kiddy movies!
It was so cute! They didn't talk much in the movie but it still was so cute. Wall-e was so curious and you could really feel his emotions even though he's a robot. It's a great movie and if you get the chance to see it defiantly do.
OK so Instant Star has finally ended. Yes... I am a Instant Star freak... But the final season has ended! I'm so very bumbed for many reasons too. I still don't understand why she left Tommy behind. And what in the world is going to happen with Sadie and Quest!! I wasn't very happy with how the season ended. I was rather upset. But at least Degrassi is going to start again in like two weeks. I'm just wondering if this too is the final season. Because they're all graduating... and I don't think they'll all go to the same college so it's not like they're going to follow them around at college... It's just all so confusing and upsetting... But this new show called Queen Bee's looks interesting. Then again if i wanted to go and watch a bunch of girls cat fight I'd go to the mall, or better yet High School. But I think I'd like it better if i could watch in my Pj's. But I can't judge the show just by the commercials I have to actually watch the show. But I'll probably get hooked. I accidentally did that with Beauty and the Geek which is an awesome show!! I happen to enjoy it a lot! But all this is only my opinion. I do watch a ton of show and movies... but I like movies better! That's why I'm dying to see Wanted because I also do love Angelina!! Tomb Raider kicks @$$!! But she was also great in Mr and Mrs Smith. That movie is great... OK well I think I have babbled enough...
**Miss. Maddie**

Thursday, June 26, 2008

OK so I've written this poem... I'm some what good at writing but you can be the judge of this one. Please tell me what you think.


Why is all that goes through my head,
Why this pain hurts so much.
Why I trusted,
Why I loved,

Why is all that goes through my head,
Why this pain hurts so much,
Why I gave you my heart,
Why you ripped it into pieces,

Why is all that goes through my head,
Why this pain hurts so much,
Why I thought you were my world,
Why I thought you were my other half,

Why is all that goes through my head,
Why this pain hurts so much,
Why you replaced me,
Why you never called,
Why you were never there,
Why you were gone,
Why I felt like my world was falling,
Why I believed the lies,


**Miss. Maddie**

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Here are the rules:- Link the person who tagged you.

- Mention the rules in your blog. (Done)
- Tell about 6 funky quirks of yours.
  1. I'm a night owl
  2. I hate when my food touches on my plate
  3. Hate hot dogs and chocolate
  4. Wear boys board shorts when i swim...(and a cute top!!)
  5. I love salsa on my eggs
  6. I rock at Gears of War even though I'm a girl

- Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.

- Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers' blogs letting them know they've been tagged and telling them to go to your blog for the details.

OK now that took FOR EVER!!

**Miss. Maddie**

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

OK... I'm going to be honest... I don't care if you disagree but this is how I see things.

I've noticed lately on TV and other surrounding that no wonder guys are such "hound dogs". Girls now a days put everything out for them to see. I was at church camp.... CHURCH CAMP!! And there still were some girls walking around in shorts that could count as underwear and tank tops that look like they were made for a toddler. I think there are some things defiantly wrong.

Why do girls do these things. Is it out of acceptance? Do they think guys will want them more?

But if you met a guy you really liked, and liked you back. Wouldn't you want him to like you back for you and not your body or what you put out.

See guys are not as smart as we sometimes give them credit for. If they see you half naked, them want to see the other half. They don't care about the girls inside the body... he just wants the body.

Girls today have no respect for themselves. And some people you read this are going to disagree and think I'm a horrible person but I DON'T CARE! Girls need their respect back.

For example... I have a friend... She puts everything out, wears the tight clothes and what not. She also dates like everyone who crosses her path. But one day she came to me and we had a interesting conversation....

"Maddie...I'm so upset"

"Why? What's going on?"

"I don't get why guys don't want to talk... Why they just want to do things that I'm not comfortable with..."

Well... Maybe if you didn't show off your body so much maybe you'll find a guy who really wants you for you..."

Now this friend of mine is not that smart... she makes a lot of stupid decisions that get her in trouble. But it's her life.

"What?? How will that help... How I dress and how I act is how I attract guys"

"Well... then I don't know what to tell you"

My friend would rather be treated like a piece of meat them be treated like a normal person. How sad... or how she thinks the only way to attract guys is by dressing like a slut.

Now I'm not saying every guy is a pig, I'm not saying that every girls dresses like a slut, I'm not pointing fingers, All I'm doing is stating what I believe and think.

**Miss. Maddie**

Monday, June 23, 2008

I'M BACK!!!!! Lol yes I am back... I am bruised, cut, and so completely tiered! I'm rather surprised I can even type!! Camp was amazing it was so much fun! If only i could give a play by play... but i won't because well we'd be here for a long time. Now i don't have that many pictures yet but soon i will have a video up of my CIY trip. But here are just a few pictures of me and my friends. In the picture on the right and left is,(left to right), Bryce, me, Mallory, and Kelly. These girls are some of the best est friends any one could ask for! We had so much fun together and we got to be in a dorm together! It was way too much fun! We all are just out going and crazy! Plus none of us don't care what people think of us, so we all have wild times.
Now these girls are in my i-group! We did this game called CAMPUS COMMANDO!! It was an interesting game... it was fun! These girls are a lot of fun and they all are so different! By the way if you're wondering Campus Commando is just this scavenger hunt sort of thing... we did not run around the campus commando!! Lol

**Miss. Maddie**

Saturday, June 14, 2008


OK... this is my last post... till I get back from camp... But I was blog surfing...(reading and looking at others blogs)... and I ran by some one who said that they were a dork or a geek because they like to learn. I wasn't quite sure why this bugged me so much. But after i thought about it a moment I had a response to that. No one in the world is a geek or dork because they like to learn. Everyone learns every day. Now not every one likes to learn certain things but those people still like to learn other things. Like for example... I hate learning how to clean... Blah it's horrible... But I like to learn how to cook and how to make new things. But some people like to learn in school and some don't. That doesn't mean they're a dork or geek. And so what if they're good in school. Every one does good in school at something. If it's p.e. it's p.e. if it's math ot's math!! It doesn't matter. They're still good at it and like to learn about it. No one is ever a geek, nerd, dork, or know-it-all... Every one is who they are. And they only name any one should call any one else is the name their parents gave them. End of story.

**Miss. Maddie**

Thursday, June 12, 2008

OK so as you can tell I changed my hair... lol... I got red and Blond highlights. I am still a brunette... just underneath.

OK so camp is going to start in 3 days! I'm so excited!! I also get to bunk with a few of my friends which will be very exciting. Camp last year was loads of fun. Me and my friends caused chaos and many issues. But it was so much fun. I even have a scare on my arm to prove it from last year. When i got in a fight with a tree. Well... sadly the tree won... lol... But bitter sweetly it's a week. Which means that i have lots of time to
have fun and cause a loads of wreckage and chaos! But I won't be able to talk to some of my best est friends in the world for a week. Which i can barley go a day with out talking to some of them. So this week of camp is going to challenge me in many ways...
At camp we're also going to do tons of awesome things! Like white water rafting and rock climbing. Not including all the games and late night pillow fights. I just can't wait!! It's going to be way to much fun. But since I am going to be gone for a week... means that i won't be able to up date my blog for a week. But I'm sure you all will live. And of course I will give a whole debrief on my blog!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wow the past few days have been rather exciting. Many things have happened. I got my ear pierced, it's a little stud at the top. And we had Zach's surprise party! The party was great! His reaction alone was better then the whole day combined. For his birthday I got him the Devil Wears Prada movie. He loved it! We all had so much fun and I hope that we can all get together again soon.

**Miss. Maddie**

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Omg crazy day! Well to start off... Me and my dad went out today and bought a volleyball net for the pool. It's so cool!! It took forever to put up but it's SO worth it! Me and my family played for hours! I can't wait for my friends to come and play and we can have tournaments! Muh ha ha!!

I also had a volley ball game tonight. We lost... but I really don't care... I'm more in the league to practice my skills then to win. And besides that's what the whole league is about. There are some awesome girls on my team. I've already made friends with a few of them I didn't know to start off with. My team is really fun and we all like to joke around with each other. We have a lot of fun.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

OK so yesterday was my friend Zach's birthday. So me, Zach and Aaron went to see Indiana Jones. It was good, but i had already seen the movie. But i liked it better the second times because i knew when not to look. But it was fun we went to Starbucks, the greatest place in the world. Then we bought candy and brought it to the theater. Ha ha the movie people are so dumb. Zach had gotten a box of gobstoppers and they made a lot of noise in my backpack. So i would walk right by them.... "clunk...clunk...clunk..." and they didn't even say a word... it was really funny. We also played some of the games at the theature. And omg Aaron is great at that dancing game... i don't know what it's called but he was so funny. We were going to play against each other but it didn't let us. So he just played. And Zach was playing the Indiana Jones pin ball and he had set his drink on the racecasr seat next to the game. And Aaron being Aaron accidently sat on it because he didn't see Zach put it there. Aaron didn't didn't distroy the cup or anything... but amazingly he only spilled a little bit. It was really funny. Aaron was just happy that he didn't get any on his pants. Plus during the movie we all shared this BIG bag of Skittles and i bent over to share some to Zach and Aaron pulled up his arm for some reason... i don't really know why. But Aaron hit the bag with his arm and Skittles went flying every were!! It was so funny we all were trying not to laugh but you know when you try not to it just becomes harder. It was a lot of fun and i hope they both had as much fun as i did.

I feel like crap! My stomach is all screwed up and i swear AARON IF YOU GOT ME SICK I WILL KILL YOU!! Aaron the past few days has been throwing up and just being sick. And i just got done being sick. So i better not be getting sick again!!! Lol

**Miss. Maddie**

Monday, June 2, 2008

Whats up! Well summer is well summer. Nothing much has been going on. Well last night i had Velocity. It's the high school youth groups. it was fun, we had worship and me and my friends danced around like dorks. I also have church camp coming up, it's going to be tons of fun!!!! It was a little expensive, OK well very expensive. It was $475... not including new clothes and spending money. My mom didn't like the price to much.

I've also started volleyball. I play for the city and well the city isn't competitive at all. The only reason they keep score in a game is to see when the game is over. It's a lot of fun though. Plus 3 other girls on my summer team were on the school volleyball team with me! It was really great to see they we would be playing together again.

**Miss. Maddie**

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hey it's me, I've decided that I'm going to start a new thing. I have tons and tons and tons of friends. And each week I'm going to post about one of them. I'll give all the information i want about them and about why they're so awesome. Because you have to be awesome for me to want to talk about you. Ha ha I'm just kidding. I'll also talk about my family and other adults in my life. It's just another way all of my friends and family can learn more about me.
**Miss. Maddie**