Thursday, August 14, 2008

Boys... Boys... oh and did I mention BOYS!!

Omg High School has SO many guys! What sucks is that so many are so cute that i can't just chose one to crush on... ok well maybe I did find one. LOL But there are so many people in High school it's crazy. It's almost unbelieveable!! But I do some what like High School. I'm not sold yet. There's some things I wish I could change....

**Miss. Maddie**

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Gees sorry for the inconstancy with my blogs. I've been so busy with so much! I'm so tired... I'm surprised I'm able to type... Plus mom wants to drag me to Walmart... Ug...

Well I did start high school... who hoo... I guess. I'm not quite sure how I like it. Maybe once I get the hang of things and the teachers actually start teaching stuff I'll like it more...

But I'm going to keep it short and sweet today...

**Miss. Maddie**

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Role models....???

Ok so young girls need a role model. But sadly through my eyes I only wrong, horrid, and down right nasty role models.
So first up to bat is Paris Hilton. Isn't she such a nice girl. So skinny you can see her ribs and showing way to much skin. Getting in the tabloids and wanting attention in the wrong ways. What a great role model right!?! Ugh she makes me sick. How could someone do that. How could she present herself like that to the world. Does she have any morals or respect for herself or the world. Paris Hilton is a horrible role model. What's so special about her anyway. Her dad owns the Hilton hotels... Who cares! It's a flippin hotel. If Paris had not done all her crazy nights out and put herself in the tabloids no one would care. No one would care if she was the daughter to the Hilton founder.

Next up to bat is Hannah Montana. Every one LOVES her. But they really don't see what she's teaching little kids. She's teaching them to hide, or have double lives. At least she dresses modestly. But my friends sister has a split personality because of her. One day she's my friends sister, then the next she claims she's some famous softball player. Plus she's teaching them not to just be happy with themselves. How they can be two people. I just don't get her at all. She drives me crazy. Plus in my opinion she's kinds funny looking as a Blondie. Lol sorry I had to add that.
**Miss. Maddie**

Sunday, August 3, 2008


My favorite things in life...

  1. Friends... I have way too many to list

  2. Movies... They are the best! I try and see any movie I can, and if I have time I watch them.

  3. Music.... Paramore, A7x, Three days grace, Linkin Park, Fly leaf, Taylor Swift, and Coldplay.

  4. Family... I love my family and they are great supporters

  5. Pictures... I like just to see them, you can learn a lot about the person from just a picture.

  6. Boys... ;)

  7. Love... It's so awesome...

  8. Helping people... I like being the shoulder to cry on for people.

  9. Pizza... YUMMMMMMMM!!!!

  10. Blogging... I like to write and meet people

  11. Church/ GOD!!.... He is a big part of my life... I want to follow in his foot steps

  12. Cooking... Love to try to make new things!

  13. Surfin the web... Playing games is fun

  14. Sleep overs... Can't ever get enough of them!

  15. My dog... Brownie is my love! I love my dog tons and tons

  16. Fish... I LOVE MY PET FISHIES!!!

  17. Travel.... To see family in other states.

  18. Sports... Volleyball, Soccer, Softball

  19. Type... I really do like to type... I don't know why but I do!

  20. Texting... I love it! I like the convience and the fact that I can talk to many people at once.

  21. Surprises... I like to give them and get them... It's fun!!

  22. My bed... I love to sleep and just lay in my bed... It's so comfy!

  23. Shoes... Yes... I know... But i really only like to get cute skater shoes and shoes like that.

  24. My hair... I love my hair to death and would change it for the world!

  25. Twilight.... I am obsessed

  26. My pool... I'll spend hours and hours in my pool.

**Miss. Maddie**

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Feelin flirty??

Ok Finally! I've found something!!

Flirting? I've been accused so many times of this!! But how can you help your self sometimes. But doesn't it suck when some one calls you out on it when you're with the person you're flirting with. Lol I've had that happen to. But isn't there different types of flirting. I mean my flirting has to be different then my best friend. But is flirting effective?? Do guys really fall for it?? Do guys even understand that we're flirting with them?? Is there such a thing as too much flirting or not enough. There's just so many questions about it, but does anyone have the qualifications to answer them?!

Well all I know is that guys can't flirt. There not very good at it. Plus it's called charm not flirt. So that changes things a little. But guys just sometimes "charm" too much. They just go OVER BOARD!!


Guy: Hey!

Girl: Hello...

Guy: My name is Guy

Girl: Oh Hi... My name is Girl

Guy: That's a very pretty name

Girl: Thank you, I like your name too


Girl:..... (walks away)

Guy: Whoops....

This has happened to me too. Lol but I know it only happens like never. But you get the idea. Sometimes guys just more too quickly and the flirting or "charm" goes to fast.
But I personally like to flirt. It's fun and sometimes it works. But exactly what am I trying to get by flirting. What are any of us trying to get by flirting. Love? Boyfriend? Friend? Well it's uncertain but who cares!! Ya get what ya flirt for. And I am happy with that.
So to all you flirty girls we all are united!! Lol Jk
**Miss. Maddie**