Monday, October 27, 2008

Beautiful eyes

Beautiful. That's what i hear all the time!Every one says i have most pretty eyes. I don't think so. They drive me crazy! But don't we all have something that gets tons of compliments all the time, and we just look at them like their crazy. Why can't we all just like what we have? Is it really that hard, to just appreciate what we have. It's just a thought...


Saturday, October 25, 2008

My name...

M is for Mellow

A is for Active

D is for Dramatic

E is for Enlightened

L is for Lovable

Y is for Young

N is for Neglected

N is for Nice
M is for Mushy

O is for Optimistic

O is for Orderly

D is for Devious

L is for Lively

E is for Exquisite

S is for Sensitive
M is for Moral

A is for Alluring

D is for Dignified

D is for Dramatic

I is for Insane

E is for Energetic

**Miss. Maddie**

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


OK so I am not a girly girl, as you probably already know. But I found my self going CRAZY SHOPPING in Hot Topic! I loved so much! I WANTED IT ALL!!

I bought this shirt! I loved it so much! I love how "twilight" it is... lol

Loved this shirt! I didn't buy it though...

I loved all of these! They all are so so so cute!!

All I can say is Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......

This was my favorite costume I found.. . but mom didn't exactly approve it lol... wonder why ;)

That's all I guess... lol

**Miss. Maddie**

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Ok so like many teens in the world I text like there's no tomorrow. I love it. It's easy communication. Plus you can stick to one topic, and text during things when you can't talk on the phone. Since I'm texting and get the information I want from people quickly I don't spend all night on the phone. I have TONS of friends and trying to call them all would take quite a bit of time. But is texting too much a problem? I guess it would depend on who your asking. I know that texting is my main way of communication with a lot of people, even some family. So the guy or gal that created texting is a genius. And I highly thank them!! ;-)

**Miss. Maddie**

Friday, October 3, 2008

Missing it cause it's gone....

As high school has started it makes me miss my eigth grade year. :'( I miss all my friends and the good times. HA and those FUNKY teachers!! Plus all the amazing friends I had! I loved eighth grade year! It was the best!