Sunday, November 16, 2008

Best friend?

Dictionary: noun, the one friend who is closest to you
Urban Dictionary: Someone you can totally be yourself around and not give a care in the world about your actions or feelings because they won't judge you for the stupid things you may do or say.

There are many definitions of best friend or best friends. But do we each have our own definition. Do we each expect different things in a friendship? Do we each want different things from a friendship?
What is a best friend? Is it someone we share everything with? Someone who is our whole world? The other half of us?
Best friends are so hard to find. I've had a few in my short 15 years of life. And unfortunatly I have lost a few in that time. To put back the pieces of your life after something like that takes time. You find yourself almost not wanting to find another really good friend. Friends are hard to keep and I suggest keeping them as long as you can.



Anonymous said...

amen sister
ive been reading your blogs and i sense a lot of emotion in them. was that last line meant for that one guy you talk about?? ah well great blog

and it is hard keeping a friend. I've definitely lost a few in my 16 years.
Keep posting!

Hugs and Kisses!!!
-Trey C.

PhilO♥ said...

I like this post of yours very much !
Also I love the picture you have along with it. I kno, it's really heart breaking when you loose a best friend. Me and my bestfriend were seperated. We got transfered. But she's still my best friend. We keep in touch through mails and we talk over the phone. She lives far from me. very far. but I still love her !
I love your post :)