Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Short and to the point

Over reacting... how I loath those words. I have friends who constantly say... over re-acting this... over re-acting that. And I'm not a dramatic person!! The way I see it no one can over re-act or "under" re-act. Everyone looks at a situation their own way. Just because some one doesn't see it how you see it or do things in a different way, does not mean they're over reacting! No one reacts the same way to a situation so how is their a right or a wrong way to react?

**Miss. Maddie**


Em said...

wow really deep, thanks for the comment on my blog!!!

ellie said...

They aren't you. I'm sure they have their own way of over-reacting might not see it, but it happens.

You have to feel..just so you can move on.

Hang in there.

AL Cundari-Coubrough said...

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy it. Haha, I've got blue eyes too which is how I found that info... I was really bored one day. Over-reacting? I'm pretty sure we ALL do that sometimes, but you're right we have our own way of looking at things.

Sara Bear :) said...

thanx for the comment. and yeah i totally agree about that....and re-acting makes up human!