Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hey it's me... well of course it's me it's my blog!! He he just messing!! Well today was... fun I guess. Well I talked to Corey on the phone last night for like an hour and an a half. It was rather interesting, well since I've told him that I liked him it's been... weird. Well he just hints to it a lot and I'm not sure if he's testing me but it seems like it and he always asks me weird questions. Like one was what I like about him, or how I started to like him. I totally avoided that question and moved right on!! I so didn't want to answer that question is was weird enough with out adding to the mixture!! But who knows what will happen between us... I hope we'll be more than friends someday... but I don't know. I can only hope!!


Monday, March 10, 2008

I know... I know I've fall off the face of the earth. But I'm back!! And o' boy have the past couple of months been interesting. Well for short summery I had two friends come out, I told my best friend I liked him A LOT, my Aunt had her baby, I've lost two of my closest friends, I became popular, and my soccer team won the championships. I've had a lot on my mind. Well we can start with the first one. My two best friends-both guys- came out to me. Now they did it at different times, I think about two months apart. I really don't care because they're great friends and they will always be there for me. OK now for number two, well my best friend since like 6Th grade I've kept my crush from him and I never told him. but for some reason I told him. Now it's kinda weird between us and it's not the same. I sometimes wish I didn't tell him. All right now for three, my Aunt had her baby!! She's so precious!! Her name's Zoe and she is so tiny and cute. My Aunt is so happy!! I get to see her soon... July 7Th I believe. O great now four, well I lost two friends. Well both were not helping me wt all. One was just a plain B****!! So I had to let her go. And the other just plain lied to my face about so much stuff and I got so sick of it i just told that person I'm done and I don't want to be around that person any more. OK now five I like! Well I became friends with the right people and now I know like the whole eighth grade!! It's not as fun as it sounds though. You have to balance out your time between every one. It's hard to do but I manage as best as I can. OK now for six, my soccer team won the district championships. It was so much fun. Defiantly the best coach and team I've ever had. I miss my soccer girls we had so much fun!! Well that's my past couple of months and I'll keep on this better!!
