Monday, December 15, 2008

best friends

Don't ya love that best friend. Ha till they stab you in the back! Some times friendships don't always go according to plan. We think that'll we'll be bbfl!! hahahahaha i laugh at that now. Friends never are who you think they are. True friends are ridiculously hard to find!! So if you have a true friend... i suggest keeping them.



♥SAR-UH♥ said...

are those two people your best friends??? i know what you mean i have been through tht so many times i mean one day they will be a huge part of your life and the next you'll walk right pass them like you are complete strangers... its funny how things work out... Well anyway my very very best friend that i actually think will be my friend forever is paige her pic is on my blogger shes super cool!!! well anyway cute post!!!!
☮ out ma [scout]