Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Winter break any one!?!

Ok so it's finals week. I hate tests. Lol what teenager doesn't right? But i have two weeks of winter break!! whoopy!! lo I can't wait. Plus i'm hoping that i'll get money to spend if i go shopping with my best friends. I'm not one that likes shopping but my friends keep bugging me to go shoping with them.
Ok so I found this new song im so addicted to lol. It's called Don't Trust Me by 3Oh!3. I heard it on the radio the other day and I've been listening to it ever since! I love it! haha
Well life isn't all that exciting right now and that's all i have to say. Ta Ta!



Skippy said...

I hate finals, and exams. I mean you're under so much pressure to do well. It can be a little much at times.

Stephanie said...

it's all worth for winter break, definitely.
i used to have that song on my myspace a few weeks ago..
it's an amzing song. =]

♥SAR-UH♥ said...

omg i know i hate finals but i take mine when i come back from winter break.. and omg 3oh!3 is my all time FAVORITE band if you really like them they have other good songs my favorites are dont trust me, starstruck, and i am not your boyfriend baby they are amazing!