Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ok so we all have a religion. Not having a religion is still a religion, some how. But i personally am Christian. And i was thinking the other day in History that religion is something so simple that everyone freaks out over. Does it really matter what religion everyone is, or even if they have a religion or not? It just makes no sense to me. Why does it matter what they believe in, the only thing that matters is what YOU believe in and practice. Every one is there own person and needs their own life. They need to be able to live their life with out someone behind them saying that what they believe and doing is "wrong" or dis approves of them because of this.

I bring this up because I just met someone who I started to become close to but they found out that I was religious. And they wouldn't talk to me any more. I was SHOCKED! Well at two things... how they didn't see the cross i wear around my neck and how some one could really judge some one on that. It hurt. But I let it go. There was nothing I can do about it. I only hope for the best for her though. I do not hold it against her. But i hope that maybe someday she could look past it and we could be friends because she was a really cool person.

**Miss. Maddie**


♥SAR-UH♥ said...

that is pretty shocking, and i hope things wor out with you and her...

by the way i was just browsing around and came acroaa your blog its cute... =]