Sunday, August 3, 2008


My favorite things in life...

  1. Friends... I have way too many to list

  2. Movies... They are the best! I try and see any movie I can, and if I have time I watch them.

  3. Music.... Paramore, A7x, Three days grace, Linkin Park, Fly leaf, Taylor Swift, and Coldplay.

  4. Family... I love my family and they are great supporters

  5. Pictures... I like just to see them, you can learn a lot about the person from just a picture.

  6. Boys... ;)

  7. Love... It's so awesome...

  8. Helping people... I like being the shoulder to cry on for people.

  9. Pizza... YUMMMMMMMM!!!!

  10. Blogging... I like to write and meet people

  11. Church/ GOD!!.... He is a big part of my life... I want to follow in his foot steps

  12. Cooking... Love to try to make new things!

  13. Surfin the web... Playing games is fun

  14. Sleep overs... Can't ever get enough of them!

  15. My dog... Brownie is my love! I love my dog tons and tons

  16. Fish... I LOVE MY PET FISHIES!!!

  17. Travel.... To see family in other states.

  18. Sports... Volleyball, Soccer, Softball

  19. Type... I really do like to type... I don't know why but I do!

  20. Texting... I love it! I like the convience and the fact that I can talk to many people at once.

  21. Surprises... I like to give them and get them... It's fun!!

  22. My bed... I love to sleep and just lay in my bed... It's so comfy!

  23. Shoes... Yes... I know... But i really only like to get cute skater shoes and shoes like that.

  24. My hair... I love my hair to death and would change it for the world!

  25. Twilight.... I am obsessed

  26. My pool... I'll spend hours and hours in my pool.

**Miss. Maddie**


lone poet said...

haha yep love Twilight!!! dont we all?!!!

um Breaking Dawn, not done, on the 3rd book in it, its really good!!! i've been sososossoosososososososososososososososoosososososososososoooosososoosooooooo!!!!!!!!!! busy!!!! i'm just past page 412 or something.

Skippy said...

I love a lot of those things too!!! I mean you would be crazy not to like pizza and a dog named Brownie.

Thanks for you comment, it's nice to know people really think about what I say.

Smara said...

This is a pretty good post, I like how it's so random.. And I like a lot of those things too! :D

Manga Dork said...

We have alot of things in common.
The Twilight series is the best!!

Rose Valentine said...

Hmm we have a lot in common expect for pets and Twilight. Not really a fan of Twilight.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your avatar! I also really like the background to your blog. Everyone seems to have all nice personalized backgrounds and mine is just black. I voted on your poll . . .

Anonymous said...

I love all this stuff too!! cool post!

Stephanie said...

Twilight... *-* you rock for that..
Trust me, I read the whole list, but I can't get passed the fact that you put music before family.. LOL! Nice post. =]

ellie said...

You do have great hair. You sound like the kind who'd be the shoulder to cry on. And I love the fact that you love your bed. I love mine too.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

PhilO♥ said...

hey !! most of your likes r mine too !! well..i love my dead dog very much !! quite sad thats she's no more !! keep blogging !! n ya i drew those drawings !

Sara Bear :) said...

thanks so much for your suggestions! i love blogger and to type!

Miss G said...

Yeah Twilight!

By the way I voted yes and no in your poll because it suits your writing, but I don't honestly know you, so yeah lol.

♡♥-$u.™♥♡ said...

hey twin we are kind of alike blogging, dog adoring, pizza, god[the dude who rocks], and the shoulder crying, and the bands paramore flyleaf and 3daysgrace<3

check my m&m blog twin

The Cooking Lady said...

Anytime you want help or have questions about food or cooking...please do not hesitate to ask. They don't call me the Cooking Lady for nothing.

I should re-blog about how I got that name. So stop on by and ask any question, remember there are no dumb questions.