Saturday, August 9, 2008

Role models....???

Ok so young girls need a role model. But sadly through my eyes I only wrong, horrid, and down right nasty role models.
So first up to bat is Paris Hilton. Isn't she such a nice girl. So skinny you can see her ribs and showing way to much skin. Getting in the tabloids and wanting attention in the wrong ways. What a great role model right!?! Ugh she makes me sick. How could someone do that. How could she present herself like that to the world. Does she have any morals or respect for herself or the world. Paris Hilton is a horrible role model. What's so special about her anyway. Her dad owns the Hilton hotels... Who cares! It's a flippin hotel. If Paris had not done all her crazy nights out and put herself in the tabloids no one would care. No one would care if she was the daughter to the Hilton founder.

Next up to bat is Hannah Montana. Every one LOVES her. But they really don't see what she's teaching little kids. She's teaching them to hide, or have double lives. At least she dresses modestly. But my friends sister has a split personality because of her. One day she's my friends sister, then the next she claims she's some famous softball player. Plus she's teaching them not to just be happy with themselves. How they can be two people. I just don't get her at all. She drives me crazy. Plus in my opinion she's kinds funny looking as a Blondie. Lol sorry I had to add that.
**Miss. Maddie**


Rose Valentine said...

Paris is famous for having money. Her fame means nothing. And as for that Miley Cyrus, that girl has no talent. She can't sing! She can't hold a note. And if you look at her red carpet pictures she dresses like she's 25! Gosh, she's really only a highschool sophomore! And those nasty pictures she took... she keeps taking them! When will this girl learn her lesson??

Skippy said...

Those girls are anything but role models. Pairs Hilton is a wasteful spoiled princess, who gets everything she wants, and proably never has to worry about anything, except if she remembered to put on undies. Hannah Montana...don't get me started.

What happened to role models like Joan of Ark, Lucille Ball, Katharine hepburn, and Helen Keller. Women who actually made a differnce, and stood for something.

My two role models are Paula Deen and Pink. Both strong women, who actaully have a brain, and now how to use it.


Em said...

modest dressing, no way! i guess maybe on the disney show but have you seen her myspace pics? or the vanity fair shoot? as for paris i couldn't agree more

Miss. Maddie said...

Nah i haven't seen her myspace or any of her shoots. But I'm sure they aint good. I bet Hanah will be another Brittney Spears.

Anonymous said...

Hanna Montanna is supporting schizo personalities..I like the way you put that.

Hopefully, Paris has had to clean up after that dog of hers. She deserves too.

AudreyDarling said...

i agree.
Paris isn't all that hot.

Stephanie said...

lol, you're right..
If there is anything either of those supposed 'role models' are modeling for girls is what not to be. -_-
Miley Cyrus...? She kind of gives me the impression that she's trying to grow up too soon. It's a little disappointing seeing people do that too.
Paris Hilton... No comment.
Nice post. =] Hit back when ya can! =P

♡♥-$u.™♥♡ said...

Miley is getting annoying/ she cant sing very well/ she is everywhere and they make a big deal out of her.
Paris went to jail/ she is a very skinny woman/ in the movie Meet the Spartans they made fun of her.

Camille said...

I just don't like Miley Cyrus because she can't really act... but she has her own tv show anyways.

And Paris Hilton... I completely agree. I hate how people let her have what she wants (be in movies... record a cd...) when she doesn't have any talent!! it's just because she's rich!!

ok... rant over