Tuesday, December 2, 2008

ok so im sitting here staring at this blank screen that im supposed to write something about in. But for the life of me I can't find a topic. I thought that was interesting. That out of all the things in the world i could write about i couldn't find something. But i have been reading other blogs. And i highly recommend any of them that are on my following list. I follow each of them for different reasons. But they all mean something to me. Lol how cliche' i know. But each of them spend time to really write there hearts out. I love reading each and every one of them everyday.

Here are the people i follow:
Falling White Roses
lyf....the incomplete novel~
☮Just Another Girl?
♡♥♪ჱStarry Eyed And Screem!ng♡♥♪ჱ

And all of them are worth time!!

**Miss. Maddie**
(And thanks Sara for the picture but i fell in love with it when i saw it so i kinda stole it. lol)


Stephanie said...

twilight passage.

♥SAR-UH♥ said...

he he i have that pic on my blogger... and i am not just another girl? anymore i am now waiting to be found or wishing to be lost ♥ lol.... by the way i love reading your blogs to!

i hate myself said...

Thanks for thinking of me,

hey i posted some new ones if u want u can view them, i think the only blog worth my time is yours <3

cough "Twilight" cough

u know what that means...:)

PhilO♥ said...

Thanks for following my blog :)
Glad that you like my poem!
I love this post picture !! :D

Red said...

And what am I? Chopped liver? I see how it is, just throw thee old lady blogger under the bus. Never you mind that when I do leave comments they are so in depth that I should have charged you a doctors fee, but I see where your loyalties lie.