Sunday, October 12, 2008


Ok so like many teens in the world I text like there's no tomorrow. I love it. It's easy communication. Plus you can stick to one topic, and text during things when you can't talk on the phone. Since I'm texting and get the information I want from people quickly I don't spend all night on the phone. I have TONS of friends and trying to call them all would take quite a bit of time. But is texting too much a problem? I guess it would depend on who your asking. I know that texting is my main way of communication with a lot of people, even some family. So the guy or gal that created texting is a genius. And I highly thank them!! ;-)

**Miss. Maddie**


Stephanie said...

Texting; Yeah, it's the best ever. =]
My parents think of it as a bad thing to text so much.
But I see your point.
They'd think of it being worse if I talked on the phone for an even longer amount of time.

ellie said...

Yeah, texting just makes you think faster and its got lots of advantages. Though, I'm not that great at it.

The Cooking Lady said...

I think it's OK. There was a girl I met about 1 year ago...a teenager. She said she text[ed] over 600 messages a day. Even if half of them are incoming, that is way too many for my taste. That tells me...Get a life.

What about when you guys are in school, and don't give me that, "I have it on silent.", garbage. School is no place for a cell phone.

And I hear people say all the time that could not live without their cell phone. Well I am living proof that you can. It is a luxury, not a necessity, and some folks cannot tell the difference. Food is a necessity...cell phones are not.

I had to let go of mine due to the inability to pay for them. Do I miss it? Yeah, will I get one when I can afford it again? Probably not. I like being able NOT to be reached.

fruitlady said...

YO!!! CHECK OUT MY BLOG!!!!!!!!!!

Sara Bear :) said...

i wonder who did come up with texting! it sure is one of the best inventions though!

Manga Dork said...

I love texting to.
I can talk to my friends without people listening it is awesome!