Thursday, August 14, 2008

Boys... Boys... oh and did I mention BOYS!!

Omg High School has SO many guys! What sucks is that so many are so cute that i can't just chose one to crush on... ok well maybe I did find one. LOL But there are so many people in High school it's crazy. It's almost unbelieveable!! But I do some what like High School. I'm not sold yet. There's some things I wish I could change....

**Miss. Maddie**


Skippy said...

Unless you were going to a all girl school didn't you kinda expect the whole boy thing?
LOL, I know what you mean tho, boys everywhere you look can be a little confusing, and proably cute boys none the less!

Anonymous said...

haha I agree with skippy.
Isn't it like, obvious?
Everyone is hotter in high school.
There's like 8 guys I have a total crush on.

And what do you want to change?
I wanna hear more about that.

Anonymous said...

that is just so funny. hope its worth it. all the best.

Anonymous said...

keep smiling..somebody might be crush'n on you.

Stephanie said...

lol, nice... I like the geeks, if I say so myslef.. *random*
Anyway, well, it becomes so obvious in high school doesn't it..? =P
It's like they're INVISIBLE in junior high and all that =P

Em said...

you'll calm down in a few weeks, lol i'll be a junior this year AHHHHH! lol, the best part of highschools deff. the guys, unlike elementary and junior high, theres theres a ton of em, and some r actually starting to get cute!!!!!

ANNIE said...

Haha I start my freshman year of high school on Monday !

I hope the guy thing is true for my school as well ahaha

I'm Annie

check out my blog:


Natalie said...

Psshh, you're lucky you have the problem of too many cute guys. My grade is lacking them ): Hopefully the coming school year will change that though (;

Anonymous said...

I start my freshman year this monday, and I know the crazy crush feeling that we all get at the beggining of the year!!! I hope you have an awesome school year!!!


Anonymous said...

so how are all those boys doing?

Camille said...

aw you're lucky, I'm going to an all girls school =[

Red said...

Boys will be boys, and trust me when I say they will be there after you get your education.

It is so hard to focus on school when Johnny Good Looking keeps talking to you. But be strong and do your algebra, Johnny will still be there when you ace your test, and if not, then you didn't need him to begin with.