Saturday, September 27, 2008


Why do we always want what we can't have. We can't have it end if story. Why when we find out that guy has a girlfriend we want him MORE! Or when your mom says no to that cookie. You want it more! But why didn't we want it when we could have it. Now that the option to have it is over, does that mean that now WE NEED IT!! It's just so confusing at times. One minute you want one thing, then three minute you want another. We are never satisfied with what we have. We always want that new phone, Ipod, computer, boy, new clothes. It doesn't matter that you just got a new one you want the new one because it just came out. Shame on us! Shame that some of us can't appreciate what we have. Some people would kill to have as much as we have. We need to stop WANTING and start appreciating.

**Miss. Maddie**


The Cooking Lady said...

A Couple of things first. Oh...My...God! I am so in love with your new photo. Wow! Did I mention that I like your new picture?

Anyhow. In as tough as it may be to let go of someone(in this case a "boyfriend"), you my dear child have to be the better, stronger person and do the right thing.

I will give you an example: Remember Rory(on Gilmore Girls), and how she slept with Dean, even thought he was married? Well that was wrong, granted this is an over the top example, but it impacted you. I know I saw the character in a different light.

She knew what she was doing was wrong. She felt it in the pit of her stomach and yet she kept up the facade. Took her how long to finally find her brain again.

In the world of feelings, you will always be led around by your heart, but your head will try to set you straight...please listen to your head!

Glad you are back blogging. Did I mention your new picture is GRAND?!?

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